Biden Administration Hints at Immunity
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 8 months ago 42 Views 0 comments
The following article, Biden Administration Hints at Immunity, was first published on The Black Sphere.
The Biden administration is crooked. And they were cheered into office by many institutional swamp rats.
For decades, unelected bureaucrats have run DC. They don’t care who is president or whatever. Once things get beyond the supposed representatives of the people, the behind-the-scenes minions take over. And despite low job rankings, they rank high when it comes to adding egregious line items to legislation. And the public gets stuck with the results.
While taxpaying citizens want to term-limit the bosses of these academia-created Leftist pukes, we really need to go after these worker bees. They are far more devious than the people we elect.
Donald Trump recognized this problem. He identified them early on, labeling them “swamp rats”. He campaigned on making it easier to get rid of these bureaucrats. Because up to now it has been almost impossible to fire a federal worker.
As with all things Biden, he wants the opposite of Trump.
According to Axios, Joe Biden wants to make it impossible to purge federal workers.
The Biden administration issued a new rule Thursday to protect federal workers from being fired at...