Birmingham Public Housing Native Now Leads HUD in the South

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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By Joseph D. Bryant | Each time Adrian Peterson Fields visits her hometown of Birmingham, there’s one agenda item that’s non-negotiable. She must visit east Birmingham and the neighborhoods of Oak Ridge Park and the Gate City community. “I do it to connect with who I am. I am still just ‘Shae,’” Fields said, referencing her childhood nickname. “I also spend some time sharing, for those who are open, ways to advance so we can get beyond what we see. There is a path for you, your children and your grandchildren.” The 47-year-old Birmingham native was recently named the southeast regional director for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Community Planning and Development. The HUD leadership position is the first of its kind in more than 30 years, reviving the former federal role. Fields is based at the Region 4 headquarters in Atlanta, overseeing federal initiatives in eight southern states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Fields grew up around public housing in east Birmingham. And she ended up spending most of her career focusing on housing and housing policy — from her years at the HUD office in Birmingham, to serving as deputy director...