‘Black B—h!’: Michigan Postal Worker Takes Down Knife-Wielding Man with Pepper Spray After He Attacks Her for Putting Kamala Harris Flyer In His Mailbox
Forum Talkby Toter 5 months ago 77 Views 0 comments
A 61-year-old white Michigan man faces charges following an apparent racially motivated attack on a Black female letter carrier who tried to put a political flyer in his mailbox that supported Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.&
According to investigators, Russell Frank Valleau, of Farmington Hills, became enraged when he observed the carrier delivering the vice president’s campaign card and marched up to her with a knife, saying he did not want that “Black b—ch” in his mailbox.
Valleau was arraigned Sept. 27 on charges of felony ethnic intimidation and misdemeanor assault and battery. He pleaded not guilty and was jailed on a $25,000 bond, according to reports.&
Russell Frank Valleau (Photo: Farmington Hills Police Department)
He is scheduled to return to court for a preliminary hearing on Oct. 27.&
If convicted, he could face up to two years in prison and a $5,000 fine.&
During the confrontation, Valleau allegedly unleashed a barrage of racist and sexist slurs aimed at Harris and the letter carrier, calling her a “Black b—ch” before charging at her with the blade, police said.
The woman became afraid and defended herself with pepper spray, and Valleau stumbled away while she ran to safety.&
Farmington Hills police showed...