Black-colored plastic used for kitchen utensils and toys linked to banned toxic flame retardants

News Talk

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CNN  —  Black-colored plastic used in children’s toys, takeout containers, kitchen utensils and grocery meat and produce trays may contain alarming levels of toxic flame retardants that may be leaching from electronic products during recycling, a new study found. “A product with one of the highest levels of flame retardants were black plastic pirate coin beads that kids wear — they resemble Mardi Gras beads but more for costume wear,” said lead study author Megan Liu, science and policy manager for Toxic-Free Future, an environmental advocacy group. “That particular product had up to 22,800 parts per million of total flame retardants — that’s almost 3% by weight,” Liu said. “Kids will often play with toys multiple days in a row until they tire of them.” The most hazardous flame retardants the study found in consumer products are the same used in electronic enclosures on televisions and other electronics, Liu said. “It appears the plastics used to make the consumer products were contaminated with flame retardants due to mistakes in the recycling of electronic waste,” she said. One consumer product, a black plastic sushi tray, contained 11,900 parts per million of the flame retardant decabromodiphenyl ether, or decaBDE for short. That...