Book ‘PLAYED’: The 1936 Berlin Olympics Was A Smoldering Cauldron Of Sports, Politics, Espionage And Courage

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Photos: Book Cover\YouTube Screenshots WINTHROP, Mass. — In stark contrast to the excitement building for the 2024 Paris Olympics, the 1936 Summer Games hosted by the Nazi regime were mired in controversy and clouded by efforts to boycott. Writers and movie producers Glenn Allen and Richard Kaufman reveal 25 years of painstaking research in their gripping, cinematic saga, PLAYED: The Games of the 1936 Berlin Olympics. “It is a sweeping, historical epic, sprinkled with high drama, comedy, espionage, tragedy and triumph; and sex, drugs and oompah bands!” Kaufman said. “It is also a prescient warning of today’s current events.” Based on real stories and real people involved in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, PLAYED plunges readers into a compelling, fictionalized account of the insanity and hysteria that unfolded across Germany, the United States and in much of the world from 1931 through 1936. At the center of the controversy in the U.S. is American Olympic Committee President Avery Brundage. Unmoved by the new Nazi regime’s anti-Jewish doctrines, Brundage leads the fight to participate in the 1936 Berlin Games after much debate of a U.S. boycott. Brundage desperately wants to be on the International Olympic Committee. If he doesn’t get the Americans...