Breathe Easy: 9 Tips for Asthma Management

Parenting/ Health

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Asthma is a common disease among children as well as adults. Asthma contracts the airways that impact your lungs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this disease led to the deaths of at least 400,000 people in 2019.  Experiencing an asthma attack can be scary, to say the least, and it comes with consequences that shouldn’t be taken lightly if it isn’t sustained in time. Because there is no known cure for this disease, the best way to keep it under control is through early detection. It is worth mentioning that asthma symptoms differ for each individual. If you struggle with asthma, here are seven tips to keep your asthma under control. 1. Identify What Your Triggers Your Asthma Asthma triggers can make you cough and wheeze and make it difficult for you to breathe properly, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. It is important to identify any potential symptoms that result in asthma attacks. You should monitor your symptoms daily and not exclude any environmental and emotional factors. Try writing your symptoms in a notebook or diary to bring up to your doctor for your next visit. Asthma can be triggered by severe scents including...