‘Burn This B***h to the Ground’: Michigan Father Threatened to Set Fire to Daughter’s School During Racist Rant Over Early Release; Gets No Jail Time

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A Michigan man facing more than 20 years in prison for threatening to kill his daughter’s teachers by burning their school to the ground avoided jail time Tuesday. Instead, 38-year-old Thomas Latting received eight years probation after pleading no contest to four felony charges: Ethnic intimidation, intentional threat to commit an act of violence against a school, false report or threat of terrorism and false report or threat of a bomb or harmful device. The threats were contained with a racist rant by Latting, who was angry that an afterschool activity ended earlier than he expected. Thomas Latting (Photo: Genesee County Prosecutor’s Office) The incident occurred in February. Michigan State Police Det. Stacey Moore said Latting was also confused about where he should collect his daughter. He had arrived around 5:30, well past the 5 p.m. pick-up time, according to Mlive.com. He directed his animus towards an after-school teacher at& McMonagle Elementary School in the Flint suburb of Mt. Morris Township. Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton said Latting used the N-word more than once as part of his threatening remarks. “I’m going to come back and kill all of you and burn this [expletive] to the ground,” he said while...