For those struggling with what habits you need to unlearn or struggling to incorporate, here’s something I want to share. Throughout my work becoming a vegan, and I’m being transparent here, I’m easing into the journey because it hasn’t been a straight line.
But here’s what I learned. My capacity for change operates best when I incorporate synergy, meaning that for me to learn at my highest capacity, to keep a habit going and be consistent, I usually combine several different methods in order for that lesson to stick. For me, implementing my vegan journey involves me reading about it and being actively involved in the process.
I’ll give you a few examples of how this has become real for me aside from just having head knowledge. I’m learning how to take simple dishes and give them a vegan twist. Instead of using regular flour, I often substitute it for my own oat flour made by blending oatmeal. And when making desserts, I use ingredients like oatmeal, banana, pumpkin seeds and natural peanut butter.
Keisa Sharpe says it’s taken work to become a vegan, she’s easing into the journey. (Adobe Stock)
When recipes call for sweeteners, I use more natural...