Category : Latest Current Topics

Lifestyle / Latest Current Topics - 5 months ago

Quinn Minute – Have people improved?

by Rix Quinn      Have people evolved much?      We humans possess remarkable powers. We can walk, run, swim, and even fly (if we hold a boarding pass). Other creatures aren’t so adaptable.      Fish can swim but walk poorly. Birds can fly but often...

- 5 months ago

How to Protect Your Community From the Toxic Lead Lurking in Soil

Lead poisoning is often treated as if it’s a problem of the past. But its harmful legacy lingers today, particularly in the soil of urban centers across the United States.One in every two American children under the age of 6 tested between late 2018...

- 5 months ago

Black Workers Are Being Left Out of the Clean Energy Boom

By Renata Sago $464 billion has flowed into the industry since 2022, but at only 8% of workers, Black folks aren’t getting a piece of the pie. The Environmental Protection Agency recently announced $7 billion in grants for solar energy program...