Category : Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 9 months ago

3 Bad Workout Habits That Age You Faster

Working out is supposed to be healthy, and not only extend your life…but the quality of your life, right? Experts all agree that exercise is a great and necessary thing, but they also caution that certain bad, and common, exercise habits can i...

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 9 months ago

5 Ways To De-Stress Daily

There’s been increased interest in mental health as more high-profile individuals have come out of hiding about their struggles with depression, anxiety and other mental issues that secretly plague their lives. It’s always shocking to hear abo...

- 9 months ago

Easter Reminded Me of the Miracles That Are My Children

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this bl...

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 9 months ago

5 Reasons Your RA Isn’t Improving

You take pride in your strength.  Sometimes, even if the joint stiffness is severe, you try to hide it. You try to mask it. You ‘suck it up,’ put on a brave face, and go on your way. Fatigue, tenderness, swelling – you know it all, all too wel...