Category : Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

- 3 weeks ago

Exploring the Rise of a Global Paradigm Shift

Amidst irony, the radical right has crafted its own "New World Order." The U.S. weakens alliances, like NATO, and slashes vital programs like USAID, altering global leadership dynamics. This shift aligns the nation more closely with authoritarian reg...

- 3 weeks ago

Raven Holloway: Embracing Self-Belief and Resilience Spirit

Raven Holloway, Program Director at Momentum Works, exemplifies resilience and empowerment. Raised by her grandmother, she overcame obstacles through relentless curiosity. From theater studies to addiction treatment advocacy, her journey reflects emp...

- 3 weeks ago

DART Plans Center Crosswalk Removal at Seven Light-Rail Stations

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) will enhance safety by removing center crosswalks at seven light rail stations from March to May. Construction on the Green, Blue, and Red Lines will focus on pedestrian safety and operator visibility. DART Transform...

- 3 weeks ago

NCTCOG Schedules Dynamic Hybrid Public Engagement Session

The North Central Texas Council of Governments invites public input on transportation projects at a hybrid meeting on March 10, noon, at NCTCOG offices, Arlington. Attend online at or call 855-925-2801, code 11112. Public...