Category : Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

- 6 months ago

More Proof Biden Won’t Be Democrat Nominee

The truth about Joe Biden hits mainstream. And while his surrogates try to run interference, there is no getting this fat genie back in the bottle... The post More Proof Biden Won’t Be Democrat Nominee first appeared on The Black Sphere.

- 6 months ago

American Airlines is raising checked-luggage prices

New York (CNN) —& Checking a bag on American Airlines will now cost you more than at every other major US airline. The carrier announced Tuesday that the& price& of the first checked bag on most flights is increasing to $40 for custom...

- 6 months ago

DEMOCRATS PANICKED: Black Voters Leaving Biden in Droves

I know this to be a fact. Black people on both sides of the political aisle feel more connected to Trump than Biden. Yet, establishment Republicans are so busy trying to help Democrats destroy Trump, they are missing the opportunity to grow the party...

- 6 months ago

The Atlanta Voice – Media Kit 2024

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