Category : Education

- 6 months ago

The White House Releases Report on “The Economics of HBCUs”

The White House has released a new report, “The Economics of HBCUs,” which highlights the importance of historically Black colleges and universities in the higher education and economic mobility of Black Americans. The report found that a...

- 6 months ago

Tyrone Jackson Appointed President of Southeast Arkansas College

Tyrone Jackson has been appointed president of Southeast Arkansas College in Pine Bluff. He will assume his presidency of the community college on July 1. Southeast Arkansas College enrolls roughly 900 students, 61 percent of whom are African America...

- 6 months ago

Three African American Men Appointed to New Academic Positions

E. Albert Reece has been bestowed with the title of Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore. He currently serves as the CARTI Endowed Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Services, director of the C...

- 6 months ago

In Memoriam: Irving Peddrew III, 1935-2024

Irving Peddrew III, the first Black student to attend Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, passed away on May 11, 2024. He was 88 years old. In 1953, Peddrew enrolled at Virginia Tech . According to the university, he “was the f...