Chicago Flips Red: Black Organization Senses Opportunity with Trump Presidency

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Members of Chicago Flips Red (Photo Courtesy of Chicago Flips Red). Chicago Flips Red aims to turn Illinois into a red state, push out corrupt officials and hold leaders accountable.& The organization demonstrates that even within the solidly “blue wall” of Illinois, where Donald Trump lost by 11 percentage points to Kamala Harris, and in Black Chicago, there exists a faction of dissatisfied Black voters who would instead identify as “red” and look forward to these next four years with Trump as President. They believe that Trump’s presidency could spur progress, restore the city’s integrity and benefit Black people. “People are reaching out to us, wanting to take this movement nationwide,” said Jessica Jackson, a Chicago Flips Red activist. “It made sense at one point for Black Americans to support Democrats, but times have changed, and we need to understand what each party stands for in terms of economic survival.”& Like counties in other states that have successfully flipped, fought for resources, and secured their rights, CFR is committed to fighting for African Americans who aspire to stability and to keep what they deserve. The organization also wants to spark conversations about critical topics in the Black community, like financial...