Christmas Tree Collection
Global AlertsNews / Global Alerts 1 day ago 23 Views 0 comments
The city is offering several options for residents who need to dispose of live Christmas trees.
Residents in single family homes inside the city limits can put their Christmas trees at the curb for pick-up during the regular city brush collection. All lights, decorations, stands and nails must be removed from trees. Please be aware that it may take several weeks to collect all the trees.
People who live in apartments, who live outside the city limits or who want to dispose of their trees quickly can take them to the following locations for recycling through Wed., Jan. 31. Look for signs designating drop-off spots at each location:
Crawford Park, 4226 Oak Ridge Dr.
Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center, 501 Reynolds Blvd.
Hanes Park (tennis court parking lot), 625 West End Blvd.
Little Creek Recreation Center, 610 Foxcroft Dr.
Old Town Recreation Center (tennis court parking lot), 4550 Shattalon Dr.
Parkland Park (tennis courts), 1660 Brewer Rd.
Polo Park (swimming pool parking lot), 1850 Polo Rd.
Salem Lake (at the gate), 1001 Salem Lake Rd.
Sprague Street Recreation Center, 1350 E. Sprague St.
Winston Lake Park, 3535 Winston Lake Rd.
In addition, city and county residents may drop off one Christmas...