Committees hear testimony on reparations commitment, increasing number of people of color in church positions

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General Convention’s Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning & Healing committees heard testimony on May 23 on three proposed resolutions: the commitment to reparations, increasing the number of people of color in church positions, and the establishment of model policies for anti-racism and racial reconciliation work. Photo: Screenshot [Episcopal News Service] General Convention’s Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning & Healing committees heard testimony on May 23 on three proposed resolutions: the commitment to reparations, increasing the number of people of color in church positions, and the establishment of model policies for anti-racism and racial reconciliation work. Twenty-five people attended the online hearing of the House of Bishops’ and House of Deputies’ committees, which though distinct, typically meet and deliberate together. Once finalized, resolutions will advance to the 81st General Convention, to be held June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. The full list of resolutions can be found here. Resolution A015, “Owning a Commitment to Reparations,” calls on General Convention to endorse the creation of an independent reparations fund commission. The commission’s convener and at least 60% of members would be people of color. The Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice would oversee the commission. The commission’s goal would be to create a “substantial” fund from...