Community-Led Solutions: FORCE Detroit’s $100,000 Grant to Tackle Gun Violence Head-On
News Talk
Change begins at the ground level, where community voices rise in unison to confront the challenges we face. Gun violence is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and its impact ripples through our neighborhoods, claiming lives and leaving trauma in its wake. But the power to heal, to intervene, to change the trajectory of this crisis lies within our communities. It’s through grassroots efforts—those driven by the very people who live, breathe, and experience these realities—that we can truly tackle gun violence. When we invest in community intervention, we are investing in our future, in the safety of our families, and in the belief that change is possible.
Detroit’s battle against gun violence has gained new momentum with a significant $100,000 grant awarded to FORCE Detroit by the Everytown Community Safety Fund (CSF). This investment will enable the organization to expand its efforts in addressing the urgent issue of gun violence in the community. FORCE Detroit has been at the forefront of this work, leveraging local expertise, grassroots organizing, and a commitment to preventing violence before it happens.
The Everytown Community Safety Fund’s grant is not just an endorsement of FORCE Detroit’s work, but also a recognition...