Congressman Troy A. Carter, Sr. Celebrates the Reversal of Governor Landry’s Decision not to Participate in Summer EBT Program, Sends Letter to USDA

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Data News Staff Edited Report none Last week Congressman Troy A. Carter, Sr. sent a follow-up letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) after being in constant communication with Secretary Vilsack and Deputy Secretary Small following an announcement by the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) confirming that the agency will submit a Notice of Intent to USDA to participate in the Summer EBT Program. Congressman Carter has consistently called for this action since February and has worked with Federal, State and local leaders to bring this effort to fruition. Congressman Carter’s letter requests that, due to late notice from the state, the USDA Grant Waivers and use the maximum flexibility and expediency possible to implement this critical program and have benefits accessible for families by the anticipated June 4th start date. “The decision from the DCFS gives our state the outcome we urgently needed to provide $71.1 million from the Federal Government for food during the summer months to children who need it most. Now, I am working to ensure waivers are granted so that families in our state can access the benefits of the Summer EBT Program at the earliest possible date,” said Congressman Carter....