‘Continuing The Dream’: Morehouse College hosts annual MLK Day of Service
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Morehouse, alongside the Bonner Office of Community Service and community partner Target, held an MLK Day of Service on Monday. Photo by Kerri Phox/The Atlanta VoiceMorehouse College is currently holding its annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration with a plethora of events taking place Jan. 16-31.This year’s commemoration holds special significance as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day coincides with Inauguration Day, positioning Morehouse to lead a prompt discussion on the nation’s current state and the path ahead.Morehouse, alongside the Bonner Office of Community Service and community partner Target, held an MLK Day of Service, which celebrates the enduring legacy of Dr. King, class of 1948, who developed his philosophy of nonviolent social change during his time at Morehouse under the mentorship of renowned intellectual leaders.During the event, volunteers were able to distribute hygiene kits, blankets, food, and orchestrate clean-ups, and more for the West End homeless community. Also, the purpose of the events is to educate the world on Dr. King’s historical and contemporary impact while engaging local and global communities in celebration of his legacy.& Photo by Kerri Phox/The Atlanta VoiceDirector of the Bonner Office of Community Service Dr. Wilbur Whitney said it’s an important day of service to...