COPE2: A King’s Destroyer Crusade of Graffiti Bombing

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The 1980s in New York marked a germinative period for the city’s graffiti scene, transforming it into a veritable kingdom rife with excitement and rebellious creativity. The rhythmic sound of shaking spray cans echoed through the city’s night, becoming the unofficial anthem of the streets. Graffiti writers, each armed and ready, were all striving to make their name known. COPE2 at D’Stassi ArtImage courtesy of Art Plugged We became King of the 4 Line COPE2 Writing, tagging, and bombing, they left enigmatic signatures sprawled across the walls as cryptic signs and symbols of individuality. Each mark was a bold declaration of existence, a defiant statement. They transformed New York City‘s terrain and its silver chariots into a battleground of expression, changing the city’s conventional aesthetics. When it comes to bombing, one name that consistently stands out is Bronx-based graffiti legend COPE2. A complex figure in the world of graffiti, he is celebrated for his influential aesthetic and his no-holds-barred approach. For COPE2, ‘anytime, any place, any surface’ epitomises his method—his own words, ‘Kings Destroy.’ A master of throw-up and wild-style pieces, COPE2’s journey in the graffiti world began in the 1970s. His inspiration was sparked while travelling on the train...