Count on Him
Latest Current Topicsby Toter 8 months ago 54 Views 0 comments
I heard something this morning that has stayed with me and has become embedded in my spirit, so I thought I would pass it along.& &
‘God is not schizophrenic.’ & It sounds simple enough, but at cose inspection, this is pretty& powerful stuff.& When I looked for a biblical reference to elaborate on this point, there were actually too many to quote.
I mean& the bible is full of confirmation about God’s consistency and his unwavering faithfulness to us.& God keeps His promises and in HIs unpredictability, he is predictable.& God Loves us and no matter how hard we try to deny this, remove ourselves from this truth, the Bible never changes.& Warts and laws and faults, God loves us.&
The problem with God’s consistency is our inconsistency.& When you put that into perspective& alongside God’s steadfastness, our fickleness screams out almost as some kind of bizarre laughter.& Our behavior might become unsteady and sinfully shaky, but our faith should not be.& In the context of faith then, the consistency of God’s promise and His oath/covenant flourish.& We’re not dealing with trick questions or slight of hand or spiritual illusions when it comes to God’s promise of eternal life...