Couple Loses Over 500lbs: “We Beat Fat!”

Parenting/ Health

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It’s been over 10 years, but this couple’s amazing weight loss story is still inspiring others and making an impact. On January 6, 2011, an overweight Angela and Willie decided to literally change their life. One of the events that led to this decision was that their goddaughter was born. But that once joyous occasion quickly turned to fear as he thought he may not even be alive long enough to see her fifth birthday. It was time to make the change. “We always complained before that we didn’t have time for the gym so we didn’t make it a part of life. That time was spent watching TV or eating or something not productive. But I found since I started going to the gym, I still have as much time as I did before and do pretty much all the same things. The biggest difference now is I don’t waste time.” “Support is such a big deal when losing weight. Everyone needs that one person to help them through to talk to and someone who will hold them accountable. That person has been my husband. I’ve lost a lot of weight, but I’m so incredibly proud of my husband....