Deception & Greed

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

by Toter 33 Views 0 comments

Deception and greed.& How else would you describe the land of the “free”?& Narrated by cheats and believed in heartbeats.& Although, the true story is incomplete.& Stolen off our land, packed on ships like sardines.& We were told it was a favor; Africa is for the weak.& Infested with fleas, and children have nothing to wear on their feet. That’s no place to be.& We were told we wouldn’t have survived, that defeat was destined to be.& Then how is it centuries later that our home has become a popular retreat?& Rich in resources and wealth exceeds.& Sounds like the American Dream to me.& Remember my words of deception and greed.& Leaving our accomplishments out of the textbook to mislead.& Forcing us to believe we don’t have what it takes to succeed. Our reflections must be integrated into teachings in order for the message to be received.& After all, our triumph is how this country came to be.& Crispus Attucks, the first person to bleed so this country can be free.& But that didn’t stop them from beating us in the streets.& Selling us to other masters, then going over the receipts.& That’s deception and greed.& Because the truth sets...