Déjà vu moment could end century-old racist doctrine on felon enfranchisement

News Talk

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We’ve been here before. Frequently over the past few decades, Democrats in the General Assembly have sought to amend the Virginia Constitution to allow released felons to automatically regain voting and other civil rights. Changing the process could finally excise a racist clause that’s been around more than a century and hearkens to the days of Jim Crow. The state Constitution disenfranchises people with felony convictions, unless the governor chooses to restore their rights or grant a pardon. It’s a political process subject to the whims and grandstanding of whoever is the current chief executive. The commonwealth is one of just three states whose constitution permanently disenfranchises all citizens with past felony convictions unless the governor restores it. That’s a damning distinction.   It’s now déjà vu all over again: Democrats narrowly control both chambers in the Virginia General Assembly, and a bid to amend the constitution has already passed both the House of Delegates and Senate this session. When Republicans control either chamber, they usually reject the proposal. An amendment must pass the General Assembly in two consecutive years, separated by legislative elections. It then would go to state voters. Governors cannot veto proposed amendments. “We’re continuing to gain support...