Detroit Lions’ playoff run spurs economic surge in the city

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Detroit’s rising football fortunes are not just a win on the field but a major boost for the city’s image and economy. The Detroit Lions’ current success is offering a unique spotlight on the city, enticing football fans nationwide to explore what Detroit has to offer, both in person and through their television screens. Chris Moyer, Visit Detroit’s Senior Director of Communications, shared with Crain’s the undeniable impact of the team’s success: “It’s unquestionably easier to sell the city as a great place to visit, work, play and invest. When people get to see how beautiful Detroit is, the city can market itself. The (Jan. 14 Wild Card game) was the highest-rated TV program since the Super Bowl. That’s millions and millions of eyeballs on the city of Detroit. The people here saw how great it is, and NBC showed beautiful images of our vibrant, dynamic city.” Adding to this sentiment, Matt Friedman, co-owner of Tanner Friedman, a Farmington Hills-based communications firm, highlighted the positive imagery presented during the playoff games, noting, “If nothing else a huge audience, by today’s standards, got to see that Detroit has a riverfront, Detroit has tall buildings and a skating rink, side-by-side stadiums downtown...