Detroit Spruces Up for the NFL Draft, But What About Its Unhoused Residents?

News Talk

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Remember when, on the weekends, your mom would go all out cleaning the house if special guests were expected, or perhaps even bring out the expensive china for dinner? Well, think of Detroit doing the same thing. For decades, the city has grappled with an issue of excessive numbers of unhoused individuals, especially noticeable in the downtown area. Now, as Detroit prepares to host hundreds of thousands of visitors for the NFL Draft this week, a significant question arises: What will happen to Detroiters experiencing homelessness during this event? As of the end of March, there were 52 people living unsheltered in the downtown area, according to estimates from street outreach teams provided by the Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND). With the influx of crowds and the complications of road closures, the potential displacement of these individuals has become a pressing concern for homeless service providers. The City of Detroit assures that there is a plan in place for those facing homelessness who may be impacted by the event. In the past year, the city has enhanced its safety net—featuring 24/7 street outreach and an increased number of shelter beds—efforts that will continue well beyond the NFL Draft, city...