Disney Dreamers Academy Helps Parents Reclaim Passions…with Kids in Tow

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Let’s do a quick exercise. Think back to a time when you had the boundless energy of an unemployed child, concerned only with making decent grades, the latest Jordans, keeping your Tamagotchi alive, and not forgetting to take the chicken out of the freezer before your mom got home. Go back to a time when your unbridled optimism nurtured fantastical dreams of becoming an NBA player, astronaut, rock star, or an artist. Now, come back to reality. Did you always want to work where you work, doing what you do? Or did your dreams fade with age? Did you become all you wanted to be? Or did you, like so many others, put those dreams to the side because, well, life began to life.& First, let’s establish that there is nothing to be embarrassed about! Sure 98% of us gave up our ambitions of being a rapper – who even early in her career, would’ve probably been on par with Mr. Cole, and would’ve won every grammy available that one year because her album would considered all genres – to sitting behind a desk, but it’s life right? Most would probably testify that dreams certainly evolve with age and wide-eyed...