Do we have the courage?
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 6 months ago 1 Views 0 comments
( – Sometimes problems get to be overwhelming. We give up because we allow ourselves to think there’s nothing we can do.While we want to resolve the problem, we throw it to somebody else to do something. I know how Black women used to respond to that. Lord knows I wish they were here now, but we can read about the courage of Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Diane Nash, Fannie Lou Hamer, Shirley Chisholm and so many more who handled the “impossible things!” They put their own lives on the line, and as forever first lady Michelle Obama said, “Do something!”Related Stories
Our children shouldn’t have to get ready to go to a school they dread because doing so they might get shot! That can’t continue to happen. Where is our courage? Do we care enough about our children to tell everyone who is against gun security that “You will no longer put our children through this. This must end!”If you can do nothing more than form a Gun Security Club, do it. If you must have a gun and you don’t know how to secure a gun, ask someone who knows before you buy it. A...