Don’t Ignore the Signs: Early Signs of Lupus all Sistas Should Know

Parenting/ Health

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The uncomfortable truth; lupus is more common in females than males. Nine out of ten adults with the condition are female. Black females are three times more likely to develop lupus than white females. Clearly, Black women are in no position to ignore the early signs of lupus. Especially because the signs and symptoms of lupus can sometimes mimic other conditions, which makes it difficult to diagnose. We have to be assertive when it comes to even the smallest signs and symptoms. Our health and wellbeing is a priority. Lupus is a chronic disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your tissues and organs (autoimmune disease). With autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune system cannot tell the difference between bacteria, viruses, and any other germs, as well as the body’s healthy cells, organs and tissues. In shorter terms, your immune system damages your body instead of protecting it. Black females are more likely to develop more severe cases of lupus, and at a younger age. Severe cases mean severe symptoms. These symptoms can come and go, known as “lupus flare up”. The most distinctive sign of lupus is a facial rash that resembles the wings of a butterfly, and...