Don’t Let Diabetes Shortchange Your Golden Years

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(NewsUSA) – Dianne Mattiace shows that managing diabetes shouldn’t get in the way of enjoying your retirement, thanks in part to a game changing new technology After a busy career in healthcare, Dianne has finally retired with her husband in Alabama. However, she has no intention of slowing down. Dianne is looking to live life to its fullest, whether that’s serving on the Board of a local charity, spending time with her grandchildren or swimming in the lake by her house in summer. Now in her early seventies, Dianne was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes over 30 years ago and spent many years adjusting to the stress of managing her diabetes. At times she felt like she had lost control of her diabetes and her life. On one occasion, while her husband was traveling for work, Dianne was hospitalized in Florida on the edge of diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening complication. “It was quite scary for me and my family. Thankfully I was treated successfully, but adapting to life with diabetes was proving very difficult for me. It was taking a significant toll on my physical and mental health”, Dianne reflects. & It was during one of these tough...