‘Double Standard’: Racist Penn Law Professor Who Was Suspended After Saying America Would be ‘Better Off’ with Fewer Nonwhites Sues University, Claims She Was Targeted for Being White

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Amy Wax, the controversial Pennsylvania University professor suspended last fall following a series of intemperate remarks, particularly concerning race, has filed a lawsuit alleging she was unfairly judged because she is white. The university’s speech policy, which Wax was found to have violated repeatedly, “breaks numerous laws, including Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting racial discrimination by federal fund recipients and employers, the 53-page complaint alleges. “White speakers are far more likely to be disciplined for ‘harmful’ speech while minority speakers are rarely, if ever, subject to disciplinary procedures for the same,” according to the suit. University of Pennsylvania Professor Amy Wax said “Blacks” and Asians are resentful of “Western peoples’ outsized achievements.”(Screenshot/YouTube/ Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard) Wax had appealed a 2023 decision by an academic review board to sanction her for “a history of sweeping, blithe, and derogatory generalizations about groups by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and immigration status,” as well as “making discriminatory and disparaging statements targeted at specific racial, ethnic, and other groups with which many students identify” both in and outside of her classroom. During her appeal, Wax continued to push, if not trash, the envelope. In...