Dr. John Warren: People, politics, primaries and results

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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by Dr. John E. Warren Now that the New Year is fully underway, MLK celebrations are over and Black History is on the horizon, let us not forget that the “Political Season” is also upon us with Primaries and Special Elections. While conservative White America has reviewed that racism is more important than law and democracy, through the Iowa Caucuses overwhelming endorsement of Donald Trump for another term as President of the United States, alarms should be sounding for those of use who still believe that Joe Biden is the lawful President of the United States and that Donald Trump is both dangerous and should probably be in jail as well as barred under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, from running for Office again. Let’s be very clear. America is in a Crisis of leadership and laws. The Caucuses and Primaries will determine which candidate receives the required number of delegate votes by the time of the Party Conventions to compete for the Presidency under our two party system. With the high frustration with Biden over the Border Crisis and unrelated influx of migrants, more people could be encouraged to vote for Trump just to close the...