Dr. Kenny Anthony Heads Mozambique Election Observer Group
Caribbean and World Newsby Toter 5 months ago 46 Views 0 comments
The Commonwealth has announced the appointment of Dr Kenny Anthony, Former Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, to lead its observer group for Mozambique’s October 9th general elections.
According to a Commonwealth release, the observer group will be in Mozambique from the 1st to the October 15th.
The release said in accepting the invitation from Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland, Anthony described it as an honor and privilege.
“I am grateful to be joined by eleven experts selected from across the Commonwealth who bring together a diversity of experience in the fields of elections, law, civil society, politics, human rights, and the media, amongst others,” the former Saint Lucia Prime Minister stated.
When observers arrive on October 1st, they will meet key stakeholders, including the election management body, political parties, civil society groups, media, the diplomatic community and other international and citizen observers.
From October 7th, observers will deploy in small teams to each province to observe electoral preparations and meet with local stakeholders in their respective locations.
On election day, the Group will observe the opening, voting, closing, counting, and the results management processes and will then issue an interim statement on its preliminary findings on October 11th, 2024.
The Commonwealth...