E. Faye Williams: Racists want love, but not an end to racism!

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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(TriceEdneyWire.com)—As I write this article, I would prefer to be writing about the love sign at the Super Bowl in New Orleans a few days ago. That message was preceded by something even more important: END RACISM.No matter how necessary those words about love are, END RACISM are words yelling louder. Ending racism doesn’t depend upon loving anybody. It would be impossible to show love to racists—when non-racists have done nothing to harm an entire system. They just want to live their lives with the right to enjoy their lives and have a fair chance to do so. Too often those choosing to be racist are people running all systems, holding the purse strings, running the country with an iron fist determined to take away the rights of those who choose to fight for democracy and the freedoms we thought were settled.Who would have thought the sacrifices of Fannie Lou Hamer, Harriet Tubman, Diane Nash, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, and many more, would be crushed to know that so many are working to crush the freedom they fought for but is being cast aside to please one of the richest men in the world and the other one with 34...