E. Faye Williams: Too many still protect White privilege!
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 3 months ago 19 Views 0 comments
(TriceEdneyWire.com)—I know we’re charged with accepting the results of the November 5th election. President Joe Biden reminded us that it’s the American way. Many of us were given reasons to reject that, but we should just smile and accept a convicted felon to lead our nation who totally showed his disrespect for all women. How can such a person even get a security clearance? He told us he was going to force his choices for our lives “whether we like it or not!” Doesn’t it say something about how far back those who voted for the felon want to take us?& George Conway said, “America did this to itself. We knew this man and how evil he is. He showed us with his racist, sexist and abusive behavior historically.”
White men knew more than anyone who Trump is, but they sank to being his biggest supporters. Certain Black men, after Vice President Harris laid out an impressive program for them, voted for him! Hispanic men knew Trump vowed to mass deport millions of them and their loved ones, but they voted for him too. He called Puerto Ricans garbage, but many still voted for him!
One of our great Generals...