ECCB Launches 40th Anniversary Magazine

Caribbean and World News

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The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank launched its ECCB@40 Special Commemorative Digital Magazine on Wednesday, 13 March. The interactive magazine enables readers to experience or relive last year’s memorable 40th Anniversary Celebrations in photos, videos, words, as well as in song – as readers can click on a virtual CD to play the ECCB Chorale’s highly celebrated album “ECCB@40 – Celebration and Thanksgiving”. As readers flip the pages, they will be inspired at every turn, starting with uplifting messages by ECCB Governor and Deputy Governor, Timothy N.J. Antoine and Dr. Valda F. Henry, respectively, which lead into a vibrant photo collection that links to lively videos. Next, the only living signatory to the 1983 ECCB Agreement, Dr. the Right Excellent and Right Honourable Sir Kennedy Alphonse Simmonds, reflects on the past and issues a clarion call for the future of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) and its people. This is followed by an archival trove that includes the published address that Sir Kennedy gave to mark the commencement of construction of the new ECCB Headquarters Building, in his capacity as Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis. The section also includes exclusive photos of Prime Minister Simmonds and officials in...