Fact Checking, misinformation rally took place at The Gathering Spot
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There are less than two weeks until the most powerful person in the free world is elected and in the lead-up to the 2024 election, disinformation aimed at Black men has emerged as a significant concern. To address this issue, Jason “J” Carter, founder of ONE Musicfest, teamed up with Esosa Osa, founder and CEO of Onyx Impact, to host a crucial panel discussion titled “FACT CHECK THE BULLSHIT & VOTE!: Why Black Men Are Being Targeted with Disinformation?” held on Oct. 23, at The Gathering Spot in Atlanta.The event brought together a group of leaders to raise awareness about the harmful narratives targeting Black male voters and discuss strategies for resisting these tactics.“Disinformation is as old as white supremacy. The tools and tactics may have evolved, but the goal has always been the same: to deter, deny, and disempower Black communities,” Osa said.& Photo by Noah Washington/The Atlanta VoiceOnyx Impact is a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating harmful information ecosystems.& The panel was a high-profile gathering, featuring a lineup of speakers including former Atlanta Mayor& Kasim Reed, Grammy award-winning rapper Michael “Killer Mike” Render; Ryan Wilson, co-founder and CEO of The Gathering Spot (TGS); and Dr. Zackory Kirk. The...