Five Steps to Chaos: Democrats’ Desperate Plan

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

by Toter 52 Views 0 comments

The following article, Five Steps to Chaos: Democrats’ Desperate Plan, was first published on The Black Sphere. I’ve predicted most of what happened so far with the Democrat strategy. And it’s playing out. Step One: dump Biden from the ticket. Check. Step Two: install puppet Kamala Harris as the candidate. Check. Step Three: Make Harris the POTUS. Pending. Step Four: Harris to pardon all Obama and Biden administration criminals. Pending. Step Five: Harris steps aside for the candidate Democrats really want. Pending. Admittedly, I didn’t anticipate an earlier step. Step Zero: Assassinate Trump. Actually, that’s not totally true. I thought Democrats had thought of killing Trump. But I figured they were too smart to actually try it. Never underestimate the stupidity of Democrats. Democrats wanted Trump dead. And only by the grace of God did he escape that fate. With the failure of the assassination of President Trump, Democrats were forced into Step Two. In reference to Step Three, Root writes, First, Biden just happened to suffer a serious “medical emergency” in Las Vegas. Next, Nancy Pelosi read him “the riot act” and threatened to enforce the 25th amendment to have him forcibly removed from office. Biden’s family agreed to...