Flavor Flav celebrates four-year sobriety milestone


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Image Image Credit Chelsea Guglielmino / Contributor via Getty Images Image Alt Flavor Flav Image Size landscape-medium Image Position center When people hear “Yeah boy!” while tuned into the 2024 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony on Saturday (Oct. 19), it will mean one thing: that Flavor Flav is in the building. The Public Enemy hype man has been tapped to cover MC duties on social media, speaking to the night’s honorees and more. However, hours before the tributes began, Flav, 65, took a moment to celebrate himself. “TODAY is a BIG DAY. I am FOUR Years Sober Today!!!” he tweeted, acknowledging the anniversary marking the end of his struggles with alcohol. His message continued with him expressing gratitude to those who have helped him along the way. He wrote, “So thankful to my family and friends and team and community for helping me stay clean. It is an honor to be on this sobriety and mental good health journey. It allows me to participate in things like the [Rock and Roll Hall of Fame] induction ceremonies and welcome some greats to the family. It allows me to appreciate the magnitude of these moments, with many more to...