Flu Season Is Here: Here’s What You Need to Know

Parenting/ Health

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With flu season officially here, health professionals are urging people to prioritize flu vaccinations, particularly for those at higher risk such as children and older adults.  BlackDoctor.org spoke with Dr. Gregg Sylvester, Chief Health Officer at CSL Seqirus to get his insights on the significance of getting the flu vaccine, why it’s especially important for vulnerable groups and what you should know for this upcoming flu season.  Who Should Get the Flu Vaccine? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone aged six months and older receive the flu vaccine annually. This recommendation is particularly critical for children and older adults. Dr. Sylvester explains that it’s especially important that children younger than five, children with certain long-term health problems, and seniors get vaccinated due to their weakened or developing immune systems. Children are still building their immune defenses and are more susceptible to infections like influenza. While flu is not often fatal in children, it can lead to serious health complications, cause missed school days, and in severe cases, hospitalization. “A few years ago, after the pandemic, flu rates spiked, and many children’s hospitals were overwhelmed. As a pediatrician, I believe children should be vaccinated,” Dr. Sylvester...