Former Indiana Police Lieutenant Convicted Of Federal Civil Rights Violation, Obstruction Of Justice

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By DOJ News Photos: New Castle Police Department\YouTube Screenshots A federal jury convicted a former New Castle, Indiana, police lieutenant last Friday on multiple counts of using excessive force against people in custody and one count of obstruction of justice by witness tampering. According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Aaron Jason Strong, 47, while a lieutenant at the New Castle Police Department, physically abused a suspect and two pretrial detainees and made false statements to an Indiana State Police detective who had been assigned to investigate an allegation against him. “Aaron Strong is a repeat offender who defied his oath and abused his law enforcement authority to violently and unlawfully assault multiple individuals,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “This defendant put his fellow officers in danger and grievously injured people in his custody, whose wellbeing and rights he had a legal and moral duty to protect. Strong betrayed the law enforcement profession when he told lie after lie in an effort to cover up his crimes and derail an independent investigation. This unanimous jury verdict makes clear a core principle in our country – law enforcement officers are not...