‘Free Your Mind SF’ campaign shines light on mental health awareness in underserved communities
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 2 months ago 27 Views 0 comments
Yoga’s not foreign. Black people brought it from Africa. Why not learn to use it to free YOUR mind? Free Your Mind SF, held at the Ruth Williams Opera House Oct. 25, was a FREE event that offered an immersive mental health tune-up with yoga, ear acupuncture, a variety of mental health resources, healthy food and more. – Photo: Kevin Epps
by Kevin Epps
In a time where conversations about mental health often fall to the sidelines, the Free Your Mind SF campaign steps into the spotlight. This groundbreaking effort combines the power of storytelling, podcasting and social media to confront the mental health challenges faced by underserved and marginalized communities head-on.
Through raw narratives and deeply personal interviews, this project aims to do more than just raise awareness. It’s about providing real education and advocating for the voiceless, who have long been marginalized. Mental health is a critical issue that is often stigmatized in many communities; Free Your Mind SF wants to change that narrative by highlighting the need for access to resources and the power of community support.
“I’m here for some healing, yoga, therapy and food. This is good for the community, and I feel great,” says...