From the backroads to Brazil, Pike Co. native is painting everything

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PIKEVILLE, Ky. (WYMT) – Pike County native Jordan Justice began his art journey in Elkhorn City as young child, doodling on notebooks and lockers as early as he can remember. That vision grew into something larger over time, as he works to make time for his passion while also juggling a family and full time job in the Somerset area. From his first mural, a pop-art rainbow scene painted in Pikeville, the artist has sprayed his visions on different types of canvases all around the region. But he never expected his part-time passion to lead him to splash some color in South America. “Using that ability has always been my mission but now I feel like I’m at another level,” he said. Justice was one of 14 artists invited to Brazil for an art festival, adding his own work to a large mural in Novo Hamburgo. There, he said he was able to work and network with other graffiti artists for the first time, with the help of a translator. “This project was crazy. It was almost like a movie playing out,” he said. “Everybody was so nice, so friendly.” The event, produced by Rafael Jung with 5ª GALAXIA ARTS,...