Getting To Know Him
Latest Current Topicsby Toter 1 month ago 28 Views 0 comments
Let’s get real. How many people have what is characterized as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a personal relationship with the Almighty, or perhaps a personal experience with the Holy Spirit? It is pretty easy to understand those terms when it comes to experiences in the natural world. We can all attest to personal relationships with other p e o p l e.& They are wonderful, painful, and sometimes traumatic, but make no mistake; they are real and personal. In my instances, these relationships shape our character and define us as human beings. Not only do real and deeply personal relationships define us, but they also can set the course for our lives long after they are over .& Your relationships with your mother, brother, lover, spouse, or friend can and do leave lasting impressions with life’s consequences not far behind. How we deal with and recover from personal relationships allows us to become who we really are. You’re an extremely lucky individual if you can share these monumental moments with others. Most of us keep them hidden in our secret places to treasure, cherish, or despise alone.Isn’t it interesting that much of the road to salvation and enlightenment...