GOP actions raise questions over gerrymandering
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By Sanford LubinDemocracyissues.comAn organization called Citizens Not Politicians has brought over 200 Ohio voter rights and other citizen-led entities together in an effort to finally end the practice of gerrymandering in the state.Gerrymandering is the deliberate manipulation of the election district maps by partisan politicians in order to predetermine the outcome of elections before the first votes are ever cast. It is done by partisan politicians in order to maintain their power and control.The Citizens Not Politicians organization has collected over 731,000 signatures from voters across Ohio to place Issue 1 on the ballot in the November 2024 elections. If passed, it will remove politicians and lobbyists from the process of drawing the election district maps in Ohio and replace them with an Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. Citizens Not Politicians is providing a simple message to Ohio voters — Vote Yes on Issue 1 to Ban Gerrymandering.Yard signs and other communications have begun appearing in Ohio stating: “Stop Gerrymandering, Vote No on Issue One — Paid for by the Ohio Republican Party.”Is the Republican Party in Ohio being truthful about stopping gerrymandering or is it attempting to confuse and deceive voters across the state?So, what actions have the GOP and...