Graffiti artists transform Los Angeles skyscraper into street art masterpiece

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In the heart of downtown Los Angeles, a group of talented graffiti artists turned an unfinished skyscraper into a stunning canvas of vibrant colours and bold designs. The striking images of the skyscraper’s new look were shared on Instagram by Julian Soley. In the video, the once drab exterior of the city’s towering structure now bursts with life, showing a series of large-scale graffiti masterpieces that each tell a unique story. advertisement The transformation was initiated by a dozen street artists who saw potential in the bland walls of the high-rise building. Their creative endeavour has not only added visual appeal to the urban landscape but also sparked a conversation about the role of graffiti as a legitimate form of art and community empowerment. The captivating artwork spans multiple floors, with abstract designs that draw the eye upward, inviting onlookers to appreciate the scale and ambition of this urban art project. Each piece is carefully crafted, forming a vivid tapestry. According to a report by the BBC, 27 floors of the unfinished luxury high-rise complex were painted with graffiti last week. The site has been abandoned since 2019. Watch the drone video here: The post has captured the attention of...