‘Had a Stash In Here Somewhere’: Michigan Cop Seemingly Tries to Plant Drugs In Black Man’s Car Before Falsely Arresting Him for DUI, Body Camera Video Shows

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The first Michigan State Police officer who confronted Dakarai Larriett during a traffic stop earlier this year accused the 42-year-old Black man of being drunk, claiming he smelled like alcohol, specifically something “fruity.” The second cop was convinced Larriett was under the influence of marijuana and medication – an indication he never smelled alcohol – even though the video shows that officer having a face-to-face conversation with Larriett. “We’re trained in standard sobriety evaluations, we’ve had over 800 hours of that,” the second cop, Matthew Okaiye, boasted to Larriett. “In our professional opinion due to our training experience, we don’t believe you can operate that motor vehicle safely.” Dakarai Larriett says he was racially profiled and falsely arrested by Michigan State Troopers, who he accuses of trying to plant drugs in his car. (Photo: Police body camera) However, their professional opinion was proven wrong by a blood test that indicated Larriett was not under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or medication. And body camera footage suggests they may have even been trying to plant drugs in his car. Larriett, who comes across as soft-spoken and clear-headed in the video, was charged with operating under the influence of a controlled substance....