Health Ministry Engages Stakeholders on Policy for Saint Lucia’s Elderly
Caribbean and World Newsby Toter 14 hours ago 14 Views 0 comments
The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs is moving closer to finalising a National Policy for Older Persons, following a stakeholder consultation aimed at refining the draft framework.
Held at the ministry’s conference room, the consultation brought together key stakeholders from elderly care homes and various sectors to review and refine the draft policy. They assessed policy priorities such as age-friendly environments, integrated healthcare systems, economic opportunities, and legal protections for older persons.
The National Policy for Older Persons seeks to safeguard the rights of older persons, improve healthcare access, promote economic security, encourage inter-generational engagement, and enhance caregiving support.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs, Jenny Daniel, stressed the importance of community involvement in developing an effective and actionable policy.
She told those gathered: “You come from various perspectives as it pertains to older persons, and we wish to draw on your experiences, knowledge, and creativity to guide how we address the needs of this sector. Your input, suggestions, and recommendations will help us finalise a document that we can work with and implement for the future.”
Acting Director of the Elderly Affairs Unit, Robert Huggins, also highlighted the importance of the consultation....