Healthy Weight Loss: “Stop Beating Yourself Up And Believe In Yourself”
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 14 hours ago 11 Views 0 comments
(Photo credit: @fabulouslymoniqueInstagram)
When it comes to weight loss, it seems like everyone is either trying to do it, has done it, wants to do it, or has an opinion on how to do it. But rarely do you hear talk about people who do lose it, then gain it back, and then have a hard time trying to lose it again.
That is why we celebrate Monique, who has no problem telling her followers her full story and encouraging others along their journey. She’s real about what she does and doesn’t eat and struggles in between–all while having a positive attitude about the outcome.
“I wasn’t picked out of a crowd or chosen to lose weight, I chose myself and decided to fight until I saw change and now I’m fighting to make it stick. Believe in yourself that change is in you and keep going that’s it. We’re in a new month and tomorrow is a start of a new week make yourself a priority you deserve to experience a better you.