Highland Park Water Department Update: What Residents Need to Know

News Talk

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Image courtesy of Highland Park Water Department The Highland Park Water Department is making significant strides in modernizing its infrastructure to ensure reliable and safe water service for the community. Recent upgrades include replacing 12 miles of sewer lines and 15 miles of water mains, accounting for 25% of the system’s total water mains. Additionally, 100 hydrants and valves have been replaced to enhance fire safety and water distribution efficiency. The department has replaced 1,326 lead service lines to date, representing 38% of the total lead service lines in the system. These improvements reflect the department’s commitment to upgrading its network and addressing critical infrastructure needs. Highland Park is taking a significant step toward improving its water system with the installation of master meters, a key initiative aimed at enhancing billing accuracy and operational efficiency. These meters will precisely measure the volume of water entering the city from the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), ensuring that water consumption is accurately recorded. This project addresses long-standing billing discrepancies and fulfills a critical condition of a lawsuit settlement with GLWA. The master meters are being installed at strategic locations, including Hamilton Avenue and Webb Street, Hamilton Avenue, and McNichols Road, and McNichols...